Procurement of Banking services



Kamiesberg Municipality hereby invites tenders for a PROCUREMENT OF BANKING SERVICES
FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS TO KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY as mentioned in the bid specifications of the prescribed bid document.
Tender No. NC064/T004/20242025 must be placed in the tender box at Kamiesberg Municipality, Garies by no later than 12:00 on Friday, 27 September 2024. Tenders will be opened on the same day in the Town Hall at 12:05

Tenders not marked according to instructions will be disqualified. To ensure transparency the tender register will be send to all tenderers on the 27th of September 2024 before 16h00.
Documents can be obtained from SCM Department after paying a non-refundable tender deposit of R500.00 per document at the cashiers or payable through EFT into the bank account of Kamiesberg Municipality: First National Bank, Cheque Account, Account No: 62022501440, Branch Code: 200306. Tender documents will be available from Wednesday, 31 July 2024 and will be emailed to prospective tenderers on supply of proof of payment. Please email proof of payment to [email protected].
A compulsory tender information session will be held on Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 10:00 in the Town Hall at Kamiesberg Municipality, 22 Main Road, Garies, 8220. A person who is  suitably qualified and experienced to comprehend the implications of the work involved must be represented by the tenderer. Forms, MBD 1, MBD 3.2, MBD 4, MBD 5, MBD 6.1, MBD 6.2, MBD 7.2, MBD 8, MBD 9, SCM 1 and other schedules must be completed in the prescribed bid document. In case of a transaction with a value of R 2 000 or more, including VAT, the Municipality follows the Procurement Policy where 80 points are awarded for price and 20 points for Specific Goals. Furthermore, tenders will also be evaluated in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy and
Preferential Procurement Policy of the Municipality.
The following conditions will apply:
• An original Tax Clearance Certificate, as issued by SARS, must accompany each tender.
• A B-BBEE rating certificate from SANAS accredited agency or exemption (EME) for businesses with a turnover of less than threshold gazetted from a Registered Accounting officer (as stated in section 60 of the Close Corporation Act, 1984), must accompany each tender.
• Bidders must be registered on the Central Supplier Database of National Treasury OCPO.
• No person employed by the government (National, Provincial, Municipality) may be considered for this tender.
• No tender will be considered to a person or company that over the past five years been convicted of:
(a) Fraud, corruption or a criminal offence.
(b) The suspension, early termination or unsuccessful completion of a municipal or government contract.
The Municipality reserves the right to withdraw and / or to readvertise or reject any tender or partially accept it. The Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

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